Customer Care
Empire Skate is dedicated to providing good quality and customer service. We want you to be satisfied with your purchases. We thank you for your purchase and supporting the Empire Skate Brand.
Privacy & Safety
Empire Skate is committed to protecting your privacy on the personal information you provide to us. We do not share any of your information you provide to us. Empire Skate uses third-party banking to verify payment and do not collect or store such information. We will use the information you provide to us such as an email to contact you in regards to purchases made. We will only save information you provide to us such as emails, when you subscribe, or any contact information you request to us for future promotions, coupons, exchanges, or returns.
Wholesale Inquiries
If you are a retailer and would like to inquire about carrying our products please send us an inquiry with your full name, business name, address, and phone # and we will reach back out to you.
Payment Methods
• Credit / Debit Cards
• Offline Payments